Resources for Asian Adoptees + Adoptive PArents
While we hope that Asian American Summer Camp can be a meaningful resource for Asian adoptees and their parents, we also recognize that we can only hold camp during the summer. We still want to be able to provide Asian adoptee families with numerous resources to help connect with other adoptees and navigate life as a transracial Asian adoptee, so we have put together a list of different resources we think are helpful!
1 / Adoptees Unite
Adoptees Unite is a social organization that aims to support adoptees and encourage activism by providing a safe, welcoming, and connected community online, talking about topics like identity, belonging, and mental health.
Adoptees Unite strives to uplift adoptee voices and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the community of adoptees.
Check out Adoptees Unite here!
2 / Also-Known-As
Also-Known-As is an organization whose mission is to empower the voice of adult international adoptees, build cultural bridges, transform perceptions of race, and acknowledge the loss of the birth country, culture, language and biological family experienced by international adoptees.
Check out Also-Known-As here!
3 / IAMAdoptee
IAMAdoptee was created by adoptees for adoptees and seeks to curate an online community of mental health and wellness resources to help navigate the lived experiences of being an intercountry adopted person.
IAMAdoptee comes from the knowledge that helping each other helps ourselves, no matter where you are in your discovery of your intercountry adoption identity. Knowing that adoption is not an event, they approach being adopted at various intersections of life through our topical campaigns and by taking deep dives into particular areas of life specific to an international adopted person.
Check out IAMAdoptee here!
4 / Harmony Family Center
The Harmony Family Center has a compilation of helpful articles, podcasts, and websites that give insight into the history and impact of Asian hate and racism on the Asian community. They also have resources specifically for the transracial Asian adoptee community and their adoptive parents to help navigate these serious issues.
Check out Harmony Family Center here!